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We can help organise, structure and implement a global programme office for large multi-country initiatives. Many of us have MSP® (Managing Successful Programmes) training and many years of on the ground experience. Large programmes are often multi-million-dollar, multi-year initiatives that have for goals to launch new opportunities or deliver consolidation.


A programme is a collection of individual projects, delivered to one or more countries at a time. The programme office is responsible for beginning projects and monitoring progress for all projects in flight simultaneously.

The projects are guided to deliver the result, both in infrastructure investment and transformation support to the teams on the ground. You can expect for a 40+ country rollout, multiple project teams are in flight simultaneously.

We can provide global program and project support planning by grouping countries by complexity, availability and cost. Project staffing and training with all third-party suppliers is essential to norm the project teams.

The next element is to adapt that projects to each local cultural. You have to build the team around the world knowing where and what can be done in the countries where the teams live and operate. Only then can you build a global governance model to allow management and teams to work toward a single goal.

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